Hi everyone, I’m Alvin and welcome to my site. I am relatively new to photography and am working in the oil and gas industry.

Back in 2016, I visited Seoul with my best friend in what was my first own self-planned vacation out of the country. That trip then inspired me to go on a little solo adventure the following year to Tokyo in Japan, a country that I had always dreamed of visiting. In preparation for that, I decided to get a slightly better point-and-shoot compact camera with some manual controls to properly capture my experiences there. Little did I know that this would be the start of my love affair with photography.

Inspired by that memorable trip to Japan, I decided to take the plunge and invested in a Sony A6500, a camera I continue to use to this day. My journey started from initially only taking general and landscape shots to trying other types of photography such as macro and street photography. Somewhere along the way, I grew to love portraiture and capturing people’s emotions, especially in a candid way. I am continually striving to improve my skills, as photography is a lifelong journey of learning, and I hope that you would become a part of that journey.